27 March, 2011

A new week awaits

After two weeks of cancellations and not knowing what new crisis lies on the next day, I'm not used to planning ahead! But it looks like (barring any new crisis) I can do a little bit of planning for this week. 

It is officially Spring Break, so my husband has no school responsibilities (except to keep checking to see if any students send HELP emails). But he has started another Master's subject, and has an assignment he'd like to complete this week.

Our middle son is signed up to go to Soccer Day Camp at CAJ. Which means he can be looked after by someone else from 9.30-3.00 every day, if he so chooses.

Our eldest son still has a bit of homework left over from the distance-ed strategy of the last fortnight, plus progress needs to be made on his spaghetti bridge - which is due at the end of April.

Our youngest son is foot loose and fancy free this week. It could be a challenge keeping him busy. However we're hoping to go on at least one "big park" outing with two or three of the boys (depending on whether number 2 son decides to come with us or go to soccer camp that day).

I have to continue on with magazine editing. I have articles gradually coming back in now and they need editing. As they start to accumulate I'll have to start thinking about where I want to put them in the magazine. I also have to consider what we're going to do with marketing this special edition. There are lots of questions and possibilities on this topic. Should we market it widely to supporters in other countries, for example? Should we offer bulk specials for missionaries to send to interested people back home? Etc. Marketing is not really my speciality either. Editing a magazine is a job that includes a lot of different skills! I knew it in my head, but doing it so suddenly like this is a bit of a shock.

I also have to get our monthly news/prayer letter out this weeks. So much has happened that it is hard to think about putting only two A4 pages together!

I'm planning another Costco trip on Friday too. It says something about our recent experiences that I feel a little tentative about planning something so far ahead as Friday! Perhaps the experience has humbled me so that I am faster to add "Lord Willing" to my plans, if only mentally. Probably that is a good thing.

Please don't forget to pray for the hundreds of thousands of Japanese who are still homeless at this time. Many are grieving unimaginable loss. Many suffer survivor's guilt and Post Traumatic Stress will be plaguing many too. It is a disaster too big for me to contemplate, thankfully our Heavenly Father has very large shoulders and can take it all. Commit it to Him.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Sounds like a busy week ahead Wendy. Our rule of thumb with holidays is that we will acheive about a third of what we set out to. But you are probably better at planning, and disasters aside, will probably get through much more.

God Speed!